
This event couldn't happen without the many hours put in by our team of dedicated volunteers. We're looking for volunteers to serve as Checkpoint Managers, Road Marshals, Finish Line Hosts, Master Tracker In-Training, and to help at the Ski Club with set up. 

This year we are also looking for trail prep support between Hay Lakes and Duck Lake. This would involve light trail clearing and skidooing the trail on Hay and Duck Lakes to create a more packed course.

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and help with a long-standing Yellowknife event!

Please email ykfrostbite50@gmail.com if you would like to help out.

Volunteer Job Descriptions

Checkpoint Host

Required: 2 x check point
Check point hosts keep the fire going in each check point tent so that there is always water for participants passing through, and check off participants as they come through the check point.

They can choose to provide snacks at their check point if they want (not mandatory - all participants are fully self supported). If the weather is very cold, they may do frost nip checks on participants as they pass through.

This is a great way to participate and support the Frostbite 50! Participants always appreciate the friendly faces they see along the way at check points! Check point hosts require their own transportation to and from their check point, but tents/water/stove will be provided.


Checkpoint Open Cutoff Close Shift times
1: YK River
9:15 11:00 11:45 9:15 - 12:00
2: Dettah Road
10:45 2:00 2:30 10:45 - 2:30
3: Dettah 12:00 4:30 5:00
12:00 - 2:15
2:15 - 5:00

Finish Line Host

Required: 6
Be the first to congratulate participants on a job well done! Finish line hosts check off participants as they cross the finish line, and support the event as needed at the ski club chalet.
Shift Time Volunteers needed
Before 15:00 2 volunteers
15:00 - 17:00 2 volunteers
17:00 - 19:00 2 volunteers

Road Marshals

Required: 2
There is one Ingraham Trail crossings on the Frostbite 50 course. In March the road can be busy with trucks going up to the diamond mines, so it’s important to have a marshals at this crossing to ensure that participants cross safely. Road marshals need their own transportation to and from their positions. 

Location Shift Time Volunteers needed
Near Yellowknife Bridge 9:30 - 13:00 2 volunteers

Safety Riders

Required: 10 
Organised by the Great Slave Snowmobile Association, the snow machine safety riders are integral to a successful event. They patrol the route and provide assistance as needed. In the event of an injury they may be called upon to transport first aid staff to the injured participant along the course 

Shift Time Volunteers needed
9:00 - 22:00 (flexible) 10 volunteers